Proposed features

Propose new feature
help Voting for a feature means "I want this ASAP", against - "If this is implemented, this will make the site worse".
Filter by Religion
Allow a top level and sub-category religion specification (or text) entry for religion, and allow for filtering by it. After all, the four main areas of agreement for a couple are finances, religion, extended family relationships, and having/raising children. The filter by religion is useful.

Better real verification to get rid of AI bots and fake scammers
This is an interesting dating site but unfortunately it is full of AI bots, scammers, spammers, and very obvious fake profiles pretending to be women and men. You need to create some sort of verification to make sure users are real, actually human, and actually who they claim to be.

Better real account verification get rid of universe privacy
There are way too many fake accounts on here of Asian, Latino, and Eastern European bots who are not doctors or who just use AI to write obviously fake profiles. Make real location the only option for location. Get rid of fake universe.

Filter by drug and alcohol use
Please add in options to filter friends and dating matches by if they do not drink or use any drugs, do so socially, moderately, or are heavy users, or addicts and if they are also looking for people who are or are not into drinking or using drugs.

Please add actual account verification
Other dating sites have actual real verification and this cuts down on the large number of East Asian and Eastern European criminal scammers and fake profiles that are on fire dating.

Get rid of blurred pictures add in real picture verification
The blurred picture option is used by East Asian and Eastern European scammers and spammers on your site. Also make users actually verify a picture is really of them.

Messaging people without adding as contact or like
You need options to message people without first having to add them as a contact or 'like' and a better option besides the canned 'No thanks' and instant block by people not interested.

Please add in matching filters for race and ethnicity, real education level, and body type.
There needs to be better matching or filtering by race/ethnicity, body type,and someone's actual educational level.

Please add privacy features to questions
I am not going to put my financial, personal, educational, and work information on here publically as it is too personal. Please add in options to hide this from the public or make it "friends or contacts" only, thanks.

Add in ways to search for people by postal codes
Please add a feature to search for people by USA postal codes, or the post code of their country.

Add more real verification demand voice sample and other methods of verification
I joined your site to meet people and it is full of scammers, bots, spammers, fake profiles, cat phish, women who claim to be local but are East Asian or Eastern European scammers, prostitutes trying to spam their fan sites to me, and people who claim to be from a very large city in the Western world such as Philadelphia but are obviously fake accounts.

Categorize Current Matches
It would be nice if the Current Matches section appeared as two separate lists: potential friends and potential partners.

The site is great, thanks for all of your hard work!

Attach photos/images in chats
I want to be able to send photos/images in chats.

More obvious bottom links
On desktop, the text links at the bottom for 'my profile' and 'settings' are tiny and don't have much contrast. It's a bit better on mobile, but links that are important for the use of the website should probably be similar to the icons above. At least think about changing the color to one with more contrast with the background.

Also the icons could use some text near them, it was not obvious what each one does after not using the site for some time.

Paginate "Show other profiles you have seen before"
otherwise there are too many and sometimes it does not even load

Calculate age from birthday
I want to provide my birthday and let the site calculate my age automatically.

Filter by education when searching
Allow excluding profiles from search by their education level - e.g. none, high school, bachelor, master's, PhD.

Filter by smoking when matching
Allow to exclude smokers / non-smokers from the searches.

Make non-blurred photos the default
Right now, it seems that most new profiles have blurred photos. This makes it pretty difficult to decide if someone might be of interest to you, without going all the way to sending them a full "heart".

Since research shows that most people go with the default options, I suggest that Viktor reverses the option to be clear photos. Firedating would become much better, while preserving the ability of truly shy/private people to hide their appearance if they want to do so.

Allow separate friends and romance searches
Currently, I have exhausted the pool of potential searches because I've set a very narrow filter for friends, even though I know there's a lot more people who'd match the romance criteria (I'm willing to put in the work for a long-distance romance, but want to be closer to casual friends). The search page does at least specify "satisfying your current requirements (both)" so I know what's going on, but I'd like the ability to decouple that as "(either/or)". With the current interface, the only solution seems to be either setting a similarly broad search for friends and risking irrelevant matches, or disabling the friends search and not advertising that I'm open to that for anyone who joins later.

Ability to sort profiles
I'd like to be able to sort profiles by a number of parameters:

Unblurred photos (yes/no)
Accepted request (yes/no)
FIREd already (yes/no)

Last active
I wish I could see when someone was last active. Or also to search for profiles that are active within 24 etc.. With having the option to only message 3 profiles a day. I wasteful if I'm messaging someone who made an account 6moths ago and never logged in since.

Open photo is new tab
Open an image in a new tab instead of the same page, so if you close the image you are still on the site.

Add "Not Interested" button to profile pages
When looking at a profile, there is an option to send a request, but there isn't an option to say "not interested". It is tough to weed through the list of profiles when they all stay there even if I'm not interested in some of them.

Please add a Forum Section /like a miniature reddit
Having a place to chat with the FireDating community in a reddit-like atmosphere would be awesome

Sometimes attraction arises from a riveting reddit comment section.

Send a message together with a Fire Together request
When you like someone's profile, it should be possible to include a short message or comment providing context. This helps the receiver identify whether a connection could be relevant to them.

Show character max
The input boxes for the profile seem to have a limit of 1000 characters. Showing that limit when you get close to reaching it would be nice so that we're not as confused when typing more doesn't work.

Add ethnicity preferences
Similar to most dating apps, it would be nice to have a field specifying which ethnicities you prefer. Below is from coffee meets bagel:

No preference
Native American
Pacific Islander
South Asian

Add section for fitness level/body type/weight
Just like many ppl are looking for a particular gender, age, and height, many ppl are looking for someone who has a similar weight/ physique/lifestyle. Since photos are obscured, one does not know what the other person looks like until sending a request. This can result in many declined requests after accepting them.

Proposal is to add a section to describe oneself physically.

Fire philosophy section in profile
Add a box to the profile for elaborating on our personal fire thoughts. Also a box to talk about our current and future fire plans.

Show Age Range the other person is interested in
Many ppl have a preference for age, whether it is older than them, younger than them, sometimes it's related to gender.

It wastes a lot of time for both sides when someone makes requests that are outside the other person's range. This can be avoided by showing the age range the other person has set.

Allow Keyword Searches
Instead of the standard search that brings up 12 profiles based on the criteria you are already using, a user would have the option to do a keyword search instead for that day (which would search the entire profile of all unseen profiles, which would have been indexed at some frequency).

This would be especially useful in searching for friends, because friendships are often around shared interests. Also it could result in knowledge exchange, because someone might be an expert in a topic that the other wants to learn, or vice-versa. But to find such profiles by going through them manually could result in hundreds of viewed profiles for very few matches.

Sort Profiles you have already gone through by Updates
Instead of sorting all profiles you have gone through by date, sort them by updates, and give some indication that they have been updated.

The idea is that many users have gone through all the profiles and then will leave the site, but if there was a way to see updated profiles, they would know who is still active and which profiles to re-review.

Create "Politics" field
Having similar political views is important for many people, so it would be helpful to have a section on the profile devoted to it (similar to the religion and kids sections).

Religion Re-Work
1. Change the religion field to a drop down menu with all major religions listed, and add an "Other" selection that would reveal a hidden field for typing a non-listed religion. 2. Allow us to filter/search religion as a criteria when looking for matches.

Group separately the 'Accepted' 'Declined 'No Reponse' profiles
The incoming/outgoing page can be somewhat messy after sending out many likes with all profiles randomly ordered. It's hard to scroll and see who just recently accepted a request. I propose to have three categories and group separately the accepted requests, the declined, and the no response.

Do Not Show Unblurred Photo with Requests
When you sent a request to someone, it shows your unblurred photos, but you cannot see the other person's unblurred photos. This creates an asymmetry and is unfair. In addition, if one does not accept and does not deny the request (which seems to happen in 90+% of cases), they can always see the requesters photos and updates to their photos over time, without ever sharing their photo.

Photos should be exchanged from both user's at the same time. In other words, when someone accepts a request, it would unblur photos from both profiles to each other, perhaps for at least 24 hours (since a user might block the other afterwards).

This also solves the problem of people who don't have photos on their profile, who request for the other person to send them photos and say they will reciprocate, but then they do not.

Ability to score a profile
This serves 3 purposes.
1, sort the list of profiles base on their score
2. a high score means show me more profiles like this
3. a low score means do not show my profile to this person

Make every field generic and searchable
A substantial portion of the feature request board involves adding new fields, adding new options to certain fields, or make a field searchable.
Developer would be able to focus on other improvements if these fields are user added and do not require hard-coding.
In the search setting page, fields would be paged and sorted by how many users filled them in.
A field can be boolean, numeric or a list of keywords with most common answers appearing as hints.

Increase size of preview photo
On both my phone and my laptop, the profile photos are small and I either need to click on them or zoom in on my phone/laptop to see the person in a larger format.

Thanks so much! Great site.

Online/Recent Activity Indicator
Add an indicator that shows when the person is currently online, or recently active (~30 minutes,~1 hour,..., Over 1 month, ect..).

Do not delete messages after someone is blocked
Just because someone blocks someone, should not invalidate all the messages which have been exchanged previously. Someone may be closing their account and wants to share their contact info, or there may be instructive information on FIRE that someone needs to research more, or one wants to learn from a conversation.

Allow one to unblock/undeny a request
There are many reasons to block/deny someone, but those reasons can change, and thus there should be an option to unblock someone. Also perhaps someone denied someone 's request by mistake, or had a 2nd thought later.

There is another suggestion on this page to have a confirmation prompt before denying someone. This suggestion would take care of that issue as well.

Allow one to undo a Request
The problem with the current system is that many people do not respond to requests at all, and thus they are sitting there for weeks to months. While you cannot see their pictures, they can stalk you for months without your knowledge, see any updates on your profile, etc.

Or give a timeline to accept a request, eg 1 week.

Viewing photos as a pop out
Ideally would like to click on a photo, be able to scroll through available photos, and not have to navigate with 'back button' and click on 2nd picture. if photos popped up instead, could also easily just click outside to return to profile. sounds super petty when I type it out but would greatly improve UX thanks :)

Managing/Sorting Search Results
I would love to be able to sort the search results into bins like "nah", "ok-maybe", or whatever. Maybe simpler to add a feature where we can apply whatever tags we want and then be able to filter/search the list with that tag list.

Polyamory filter
It's weird that you can put "poly" as relationship status, but can't search for them / filter them out. As a polyamorous person, most of my searches will be incompatible.

More search criteria would be nice in general (like looking for certain keywords.)

Refresh Profiles that are Filled Out
I am not sure how this is handled and it is not in the FAQ, but if a user has all optional fields blank and is reviewed by someone, and later fills out all the fields and maybe adds some pictures, then will this profile be overlooked by everyone who has already seen it?
There should be a way for people who update their profile or add pictures to be re-entered into the new profiles, or some indication that there profile is updated so that it can be re-reviewed.

Add Ability to not send picture with a request, or to send message without picture
Many profiles have no picture. So it is strange to send a request with a picture of oneself to someone who is not willing to reciprocate.
Suggestion - add ability to send a message to someone without sending one's picture. That way, after the 2 have chatted for some time and feel more comfortable, they can share their pictures with each other, or one can ask the other for a picture.

Require Certain Number of Fields to be Filled Out
There are a large number of profiles that have ONLY filled out the required fields, which are very few, and so are essentially blank. Is there any data that these users have matched with anyone or sent messages to anyone? It is a waste of time to wade through these profiles, so the suggestion is to require people to fill out most or all of the fields in order for their profiles to be visible to others.

Change Ranking Criterion from number of optional fields to number of words
Some persons fill out a few words in each section to get a higher rank. But it is more meaningful if one writes more and fills out fewer fields. So instead of using number of optional fields, change that criterion in the match ranking to use total number of words in the profile.

Increase matches for higher FIRE percentage
To the 5 criteria already being used for matching, add % to FIRE as a criterion, with higher being better. This would be extra motivation to save more and embrace FIRE principles.

"Are you sure?" upon selecting Deny
There should be a bit more user-friendliness with "Deny". I didn't get it as a new user that it was so permanent, no second chances. A pop up message that says, hey there's no second chance after you hit deny on this person - at least the first time. Then you could hit a checkbox for "don't show again".

Different indication for friendship
Please make a different "Like" for just friends. It's difficult to tell if people are interested in a relationship or a friendship with the current single heart for everything. This would be EPIC for finding awesome travel friends worldwide.

Translate into other languages
Unless I missed something, it seems this site is entirely in English. There are many inexpensive non-English speaking countries that people might want to move to for lower cost of living or retirement, and people in those countries who are into FIRE. They are unable to use this site because the descriptions for all the input fields are in English.
Get some users to translate the site to their language.
There are many benefits, including getting users up to the 10,000 goal.
I do not see it as being a problem as long as each user can see the field labels in their language, even if the responses might be in another language.
It would be particularly helpful with the matchmaking feature someone else suggested, but also there are already many members who report multiple languages and would be able to read other profiles.

Allow Changing Vote for a Feature Request
As I use the site more, I discover new behaviors in terms of chat, messages, sending requests, how incoming requests appear, my priorities change, and how I rank features on this page changes. Currently if I have voted something up or down, I cannot change it.

A filtering for Lean or Fat FIRE
I feel like difference between those two types of FIRE lifestyles should warrant the filter.

Retract message
Let members retract a message within 20 min of sending it. Yes the other person will get a email notification but the message content is not part of the email. There can even be a placeholder of a retracted message shown to the other person but preferably not.

Change Timer to 22 Hours
At the current rate of a new list of profiles every 24 hours means I have to keep pushing back the time to check the next day which messes up my schedule. Please shorten the timer to 22 hours so we get a 2 hour window to check everyday.

Pending requests reminder
If a user has unchecked incoming requests it would be nice to send a reminder email every 'x' (7?) days to remind the user to log in and accept/deny requests.

A separate space for couple interviews
The blog only has 4/9 interviews available and it might be a good idea in the long run to have all of them in a separate link at the bottom

Let members be matchmakers
Sometimes I see a great guy with one thing that doesn’t work for me then I read about a woman who wants the same thing that guy wants. I wish I could recommended them to read each other’s profile!

Tutorial after registering
So I know I was confused by the matching system when I first started using it. It wasn't until I read the FAQ that I understood. Personally I like the slow matching system of 12 per day and 3 requests. It would be nice to show the user how the system works right after registering via a video (animation?) or just a flow diagram with pictures.

Add a line break in chat
Add a line break/return type feature in chat with a button above the send for clean line breaks/paragraph breaks

Add a line break in chat
Add a line break/return type feature in chat with a button above the send for clean line breaks/paragraph breaks

Font size interface
I'd like to see the profile font to be +2 or +3 bigger, while the chat font to be -2/3 smaller. Also please choose another font, this one is too thin. I suggest Bookerly for Serif or Candara/Verdana for Sans. In the chat, it'd be better if each person's sentences are color-coded differently. Currently it's light blue/black, I think red/black or deep green/black are worth trying.

Set a country in search parameters
It would be nice to be able to select a particular country in the search parameters, especially for those who plan on moving soon/post FIRE or are expats.

A small change of interface
Nothing big here. I noticed that when there's a link at the very bottom of a page, especially if it's on the left, then whenever one hovers the mouse over it, it'll get covered by the browser's link description. My proposed solution is just to lift them up 1 line.

Current Vs Home location
Be able to select a current and home location. I might live in one city but be visiting somewhere in another part of the country/world

Separate Friend and Dating searches
Basically, I think there should be a separate search for finding friends and a separate search for finding relationships. Maybe have 3 hearts a day you could use on each?

I think it would be nice to see an optional box to put what job/career you have.

"Edit My Profile" Icon
Please add a "my profile" shortcut to the main page.

Better user experience
Nice site in general! It could be a little bit more user friendly. For example, it would be nice to filter the outgoing requests for those people who have accepted, and to whom no message has been written yet. It would be nice to have a menu on every page instead of a back button.

Filter Matches By Number of Words in Profile
I'm not interested in profiles that essentially aren't filled out -- with no text or just a few words total. I'd like to say "only show me profiles with at least 100 words total across all the optional questions".

Add text to the main screen
The "eye", "incoming", "outgoing", and "mail" icons are a form of mystery meat interface; I wish that there was a text label below each one to make the interface more obvious to new users.

Make the "eye" matches page faster
The page that is noticeably really, really slow to load is the list of matches. I'd really prefer if it weren't so noticeably slow.

Allow Filtering for Users with Photo Only
Would be great to be able to filter for only users that included a photo

Show Base Photo for All Profiles
Most people are used to showing their base photo on a dating site. By blurring the photo, it creates some awkwardness if one tries to see more about the person and after seeing the photo, changes their mind.

More advanced search parameters
More search parameters to narrow down matches.
1) want kids? Y/N
2) years left to fire? (The user can input this info in their profile and then be able to search a year range, eg. 5-10 years)

put in banner ads
this will give users reassurance that this site will be financially sustainable. banner ad revenue e.g. from adsense can be used to maintain the site.

can't archive chat when someone delete's their account
when there is a chat happening and then someone delete's their account, you cannot archive the chat thread. the "archive" button cannot be pressed.

Create drop down so you can choose multiple cities, when in a rual area it would be nice to choose multiple cities. Thank you

Proofread the site
There are language mistakes and some expressions are weird. Make sure that texts on the entire site (especially key user flows) sound natural, are not ambiguous, but easy to understand.

Allow people to express secret interests (and signal when they match)
There are hobbies/activities about which one can't simply tell (especially when just getting to know each other, e.g. bdsm, FIRE outside of this site). Allow people to express such stuff privately. I.e. this won't be shown to other people unless both of you share the same preference (and probably have chatted for some time).

Help people to build mastermind groups
A mastermind group ( is a group of people meeting regularly to discuss topics of their choice and help each other. E.g. people can have a weekly call. This can be about FIRE, motivation (you tell your goals and share your progress), family, business or literally everything. The group defines their format and goals. The trick is to keep the group diverse. Then each of you benefit from the diversity of views. It is common for members to do deep dives or case studies into specific topics (e.g. one member can't decide whether to switch the job or not and all members express their diverse opinions to help them decide). But you can also just have a social meeting and just chat about last week or plans for next week. The group is usually around 5 people. Obviously, it is hard to get right, but members can leave if it does not work well. Somehow with FIRE people this works better than just with general population.

Thus, create a feature for people to create such groups (e.g. specify timezone, proposed topics) and approve members (ideally everyone should me happy with everyone, but keep diversity in mind - it may be counter-intuitive).

PR squad
Create a PR squad, so that people who want to help spreading the word could join and share their experience all over the internet. E.g. people join the "squad". Then whenever a new post about firedating is posted somewhere (e.g. reddit or some blog), people in the "squad" get a message about it. They can go there and engage in the comments, express their opinion, answer questions. This would help attracting new users. Also users themselves could create posts and then share the links via the squad. Voting (+) on this one means that you could imagine joining the "squad".

Polish existing design
The existing design is not that bad. It is not perfect, but it has something interesting. Thus, don't change the style of the design, but just improve what we have now.

Full redesign
The existing days is counter-intuitive. It scares new users away. Let's do a full redesign to get something more familiar and modern looking.

Offline meetup
Once public gatherings are allowed, (help to) organize an offline meetup (e.g. choosing time, place, informing people) in one of the cities (likely with larger number of users).

Online meetup
Organize a call for users to chat using voice/video. Can be like a dating event or just social chatting.

Add an easy way to use smiles while chatting.

Decrease email notification delay
Right now the email is sent 10 minutes after the message if a user didn't read the message. This is made to avoid sending emails for messages which you actually saw. However, this creates a weird effect,
when you reply to someone, they reply in 10 minutes, you then reply again in 10 minutes. So instead of chatting in real time there is this step-based chatting. Perhaps decrease it to 5 min? Or try checking whether user is online and if not, send it even sooner?

Proper chat
Right now one has to refresh the page to see a new message. This may be inconvenient if you wait for someone to write. It would be great to have some kind of sound and notification (e.g. title or favicon of the page changing).

Reach 10 000 users
Dating & friendship is about people. As long as users can talk to each other, it is enough to get to know each other. So the features and design are not that important. But people are. Each new user makes the site more valuable to existing and new users and increases probability of each of us to find our partner or friends. Try to reach 10 000 users.

Make the site faster
It is growing and starts feeling slow (e.g. images loading, occasionally page loading).

Referal system
Allow people to invite others (e.g. via their referral link) and get something in return.
E.g. additional interested requests and new profiles for each person who joins. Likely not to much to avoid creating incentive for cheating. Something like 1 additional interested request & new profile for each invited person. Potentially the bonus may be permanent (something like 0.1 additional interested request for each invited person, so +1 request in 10 days).

Archive threads w/deleted accounts
When I archive a conversation with a user who has deleted their account, it stays on my main messages page and doesn't move to the Archived folder.

Thanks Victor for creating this app the FIRE community needed!

Perhaps you can add a 4th type of FIRE type, called “Part” or “Partial” FIRE for the people who enjoy a little part-time work and actually build the supplemental income into there FIRE numbers and their ideal FIRE lifestyle.

Group Dynamics and Filters
Love the FIRE-Dating APP..., Kudos Viktor!!!

I do not know what is the exact group dynamic of this platform. Are we dealing with simply 50 members or 50k or 500k? Is there a way to know the exact traffic volume on this site and just how many members are actually active online vs offline? May we be able to also have the ability to apply additional filters for our preference HITS other than its Gender, Location and Age so that we can further drill down on our potential matches?

Below are just some of my suggestions:
- Profiles with Photo or No Photo
- Fire numbers (ie % FIRE, SWR Rate, etc)
- Maybe offer matches by its generations (ie, Gen-X, Millennials, Baby Boomers, etc)
- Keyword searches (ie look only at the profiles that mentioned "ETF", "geo-arbitrage", "Chautauqua", etc)

If there is anything else you can possibly think of that would be of value-add, please modify list.

Thanks a bunch and hope this helps!


Add time zone
Currently, hovering over a message causes a timestamp to appear. However, this timestamp can be incorrect (I am assuming) because of the lack of setting a time zone. Could this be set manually, or determined based on location?


Hide Profiles from Show Others
I would love a way to hide profiles when viewing potential matches. There are some that have appeared in my carousel for months that I am not interested in, and would like to hide them from appearing. That way, the only profiles there are new or I haven't decided to send them a request yet.

Improve UI/UX
Hi, form inputs are a but laggy and design looks like it;s from 2005.

If you open source the project I can contribute some time (I'm a frontend developer)

Undo sending a heart
It would be nice to have the ability to undo sending a heart in case you press the heart and send one to someone by accident. Although now that I'm writing this I'm aware that an email is sent to the other user, so a couple of ideas are: 1. Put a 5 minute delay on sending the email so you can 'undo' the heart sending within those 5 minutes, or 2. You can undo sending a heart at any time and if someone clicks through from the email to find out who 'hearted' them they will discover that there is no longer someone who hearted them (sadface).

[DONE] Make age mandatory
1) This is mandatory for almost all dating apps. 2) I have been catfished here by photos. Making age mandatory will help build user trust and increase matching efficiency 3) FIRE looks different at different life stages. It is totally reasonable to want to match with people in a similar age range. I think this would be a meaningful addition to the site.
> Done (mostly to simplify filtering). One can provide 5 year range as an option.

[DONE] Add third opinion to "Do you want children?"
Something like "No preference" or "Undecided"
> Added 'maybe'.

[DONE] An "anything else you want others to know?" question
Give people a chance to stand out and show what's special/unique about themselves, without being confined to the default questions.
> added 'about me' as such a general field

[DONE] More genders than male and female
Some people are non-binary.
> added 'non-binary'

[DONE] "Savings Rate" instead of "Frugality Score"
Issue: The "frugality score" 0 - 1 is pretty nebulous. What does frugality score 3 mean? What does frugality score 5 mean? These scores mean differently to different people.
Proposed solution 1: Instead of letting people freeform input any frugality score from 0 - 1, give about 5 options with descriptions.
Proposed solution 2: Instead of calling it "Frugality score", call it "Current savings rate" - What % of your take home income before expenses do you save & invest?
> done.

[DONE] Be able to look for people anywhere.
I am already FIRE and am open to meeting people all over the world. Why do I have to select just one country and city? There should be an option to meet anyone, anywhere, especially since it's online.
> Done. There is "same universe" search option, which basically means anywhere.

[DONE] Present users as a list instead
Instead of seeing just one and one profile, why not instead have a list of all profiles with possibility for filtering. Then each user could simply mark those they are interested in from the list.
> (Mostly) done. Matching, incoming and outgoing request views are now list-based.
I didn't do filtering (one can see at most 12 profiles per day anyway).
I didn't do "marking interesting in a list" (one can send at most 3 requests per day anyway).

[DONE] Allow more than 2 likes per day
Delete the limit of number of likes (hearts) you can give.
> Done (increased to 3).

[DONE] Add ability to deny request from deleted user
Someone sent me a request (yay!) but it turns out that person is now a deleted user (boo). The site won't let me deny their request (bummer) so now each time I log in it appears that I have a new connection request (exciting!) but it's just the same one I can't deny or delete from the deleted user (psych!), so being able to deny or delete this incoming request would be great so I don't accidentally think I have a new request. Thanks!
> Done.
1) When a user deletes their account, all non-answered requests are denied by default.
2) If you have such a request, you should be able to deny it manually right now.

[DONE] More than one photo
Allow uploading more than one photo.
> Done. One can have at most 5 photos now (there is link to upload them in settings).

[DONE] Proper geo search for OFFLINE
Right now, when the user chooses offline communication, the site compares user locations just by matching their city names. If there is no one with the same city, then people from the same country are shown.

This has disadvantages:
1) There are large cities and being able to target only part of it may be useful.
2) There are small cities nearby and being matched with people from there is more useful than from all over the country (especially for the US).

Add proper geo search which would allow to specify search radius around a specific point.
> Done.

1) Rewrote search and matching (e.g. one has a lot of flexibility to choose which geographic area they want to be matched with - including by specifying distance).
2) offline and online are gone :)

[DONE] Location search / match
Simple feature - I would like to be able to filter potential matches by location. It was great to see people from around the globe, but if you are not interested in a long distance relationship - many people are not - it would be super helpful to at least be able to match by city. :)
> Done.

Rewrote search and matching (e.g. one has a lot of flexibility to choose which geographic area they want to be matched with - including by specifying distance or same city or state or country or any mix of these).

[DONE] Online Friendship, Offline Romance
It would be nice to be able to opt for both the online/offline and friendship/romance. For instance, there aren't any matches for me in offline romance, which is a bummer, but I'd also be interested in making friends with others further away. Can I have it all?
> Done.

Rewrote search and matching, one can look for both friendships and romantic at the same time with different parameters now.

[DONE] Deleting conversations that have trailed off
Hi Viktor! Love your site. It would be nice to be able to put a conversation that has gone cold away.. maybe in another folder, or hidden at the end of the list of messages. And change a bit what the conversations look like, right now it is the most recent message and it can be quite long in the message feed.

So grateful for your site!
> Both done:
1) one can now archive threads (see 'archive' button on a thread page)
2) at most 10 words are shown for the most recent message from each thread
Thank you!